giovedì 27 agosto 2009

martedì 25 agosto 2009

WildBear, theBravePizzaHunter and ilMario

that's how in Jasper they promote pizza
Scary uh?

COCO's Brunch


After 4 days eating burger and sirloin
Prag explain to us that in India
if you kill, eat or just hit a cow for a mistake
you get ripped in multiple part like a Baegel!
After that Paolo felt really sorry and ordered a Veggie brunch.
Michael instead said that in Taiwan they eat every kind of meat they can catch on, the real problem now is that they are running out of cats...

lunedì 24 agosto 2009

IceField Highway

MixedPhoto n Maligne Canyon


Rafting on Swapta River
(and the global warming)
class III+ river

Proprio una bella storia, il capo del nostro gommone era un pazzo
che ha passato metà del viaggio a raccontare che la sera prima
una ragazza aveva "bottles" un'altra ragazza x problemi sentimentali
e tutta la strada era coperta di sangue, e nella seconda parte raccontandoci quanto fosse contento x via del global warming xchè i ghiacciai si sciolgono,

le acque dei fiumi si alzano, ci sono più onde e fare rafting is waaayy moree fun!

Hi Athabasca hostel

HI-Athabasca falls
the most wild an amazing hostel on our trip
with no current water and you cannot take food
in the room for our own security (to keep the bears away)
but really nice and Shasa a great hostel keeper.

the first night we had a lovely camp fire
with some swiss girls,
some campfire story,
we sung "sul Pajon" all togheter,
and as Michael said
"today we learn to never drink something younger that 15 years old".

and the second we play with Whist
withPrag Michael and Jan
a german student, came to study astrophysics

sabato 22 agosto 2009

Prag Vs Pink

After a first adversion
Prag starting to think to
repaint his house's walls
with pink color

Bears Trail

Usually in Canada
Bears and men share the same trail
so every 200mt you can find those kind of signs
that suggest to stay in group of 4 people
(so at least one can escape and tell the story)
and make noise to keep the bears away.

But if the bear starting to charge you
according to the guide
your only option remain trying to charge back (???!!)

First Hike

The First Hike
(and the only real one)
7 hours round trip.

in the begin there was some concerning
when Prag ask us to stop after 15 minuts for resting
but in the end everthing works fine
and we get up to the top
to have a italian picnic with Chianti and bread and fontina!
and of course to sing some Alpini's Songs

venerdì 21 agosto 2009

Kelowna Mission Hill

doesn't it seem like our garda lake?

Road to Banff

The road in canada are amazing
the only problem is that they laid straight
for 400-500km without any kind of life
but the wild one
so you have to plan carefully the next gas stop

giovedì 20 agosto 2009


The Canadian must is the IceWine.
a type of dessert wine produced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine.
The minimum must weight requirements for ice wine is35 degrees Brix.

Kelowna WineTour

The Tour on the Rocky
stats with a little Wine Tasting visiting
Mission hill
an amazing Winery in Kelowna!!!

the name is Mission from
the first winery in the area
founded by Father Pandosy, a missionary
in 1859 to produce wine for the mass
(ah good tradition!)

Rocky Trip

Trip on the Rockyyy Mountains
(this is Moraine Lake)

2400km in 6 daysss

domenica 16 agosto 2009

3d78mario 4termEND

3d78mario 4termEND
Vancouver Film School
VFX Reel WIP 4termEND
-base shader
-tracking test
-block in comp.

Presentation End Term 4

My new presentation!!
I have a lot of work to do.. but fortunatly I still have 4 mounths!!!!
I hope you like it!!!
-First Pass Animation
-First Pass Lighitng
-First Pass Shader

sabato 15 agosto 2009

Indian Indipendence Day

today is the Indian Indipendence Day
(in onor of Prag)

venerdì 14 agosto 2009

giovedì 13 agosto 2009

Italian Lesson

Denny learning italian

RGB cheerleader

Adelle perform as
RGB cheerleader
from 3d78

mercoledì 12 agosto 2009


that's how 3d78 works!!!
so Laura when paolo
talks about how stressful is the vfs
you will know what is about

martedì 11 agosto 2009

the magic of Beto

a masterpiece
by Gil-bato Bay


Ridendo e scherzando
è finalmente giunta al termine
quella settimana di agosto
tra un inverno e l'altro
che qui si ostinano a chiamare estate

oneDollar spugna

venerdì 7 agosto 2009

Il Visualleffects ne ammazza più della droga

"un tempo era un bel ragazzo
poi si è rovinato..."